The Price of Vines   

The price of vines in France in 2023

Published at August 29, 2024 by Bernard Charlotin
The price of vines in France in 2023

As in 2022, the sale price of PDO vines rose by 1.5% in 2023 to €153,500/ha. We have analysed the figures provided by the SAFER (L'analyse des marchés fonciers ruraux - June 2024).  

1. The selling price of vines in 2023
2. A sharp fall in the number of transactions
3. Who will be buying vines in France in 2023?
4. Vineyard prices by vineyard
     4.1. Alsace – Est
     4.2. Bordeaux-Aquitaine
     4.3. Bourgogne – Beaujolais – Savoie – Jura
     4.4. Champagne
     4.5. Charentes-Cognac
     4.6. Corse 
     4.7. Languedoc-Roussillon
     4.8. Sud-Ouest
     4.9. Val de Loire – Centre
     4.10. Vallée du Rhône – Provence
5. In conclusion
6. Our articles on vine prices in France

The selling price of vines in 2023 

The vineyard market is highly heterogeneous, and it is useful to divide sales according to the type of vineyard: vines with a Protected Designation of Origin, vines outside Protected Designations of Origin, and vines intended for the production of eaux de vie (Cognac, Armagnac, etc.).

Given the very specific market for vines in Champagne, the price of PDO vines is also calculated outside Champagne. 







Prix des vignes AOP

148 100 €

150 500 €

147 900 €

151 200 €

153 500 €

Variation N-1






AOP hors champagne

74 900 €

78 100 €

80 000 €

81 600 €

82 200 €

Variation N-1






Vignes hors AOP

14 400 €

14 500 €

15 000 €

15 300 €

15 000 €

Variation N-1






Eaux-de-vie AOP

51 800 €

55 400 €

58 600 €

60 400 €

56 600 €

Variation N-1






          Source : SAFER - L'analyse des marchés fonciers ruraux - juin 2024

The price of PDO vines thus rose by 1.5% (+0.7% excluding Champagne). By contrast, the market for brandies is down sharply (-6.4%), the result of a sharp correction in the Cognac market. The market for PDO vines has returned to its 2021 level of €15,000/ha.

Compared with inflation, which was 4.90%, the increase in value is insufficient to preserve the value of our winegrowing heritage.

Over 5 years, while cumulative inflation is 13.92%, the increase in the price of PDO vines is only 3.91%, i.e. a loss of value of 10%.

A sharp fall in the number of transactions

Under the influence of the Bordeaux wine crisis, the number of transactions recorded by SAFER will fall sharply in 2023.

However, the market is growing in value thanks to a number of exceptional wine transactions.







Nombre transactions

9 200

8 190

9 410

9 490

8 770

Surface vendues

18 300

14 600

17 400

18 400

16 000

Valeur vendue

 987 millions

 861 millions

 1 milliard

 1 milliard

 1,17 milliard

          Source : SAFER - L'analyse des marchés fonciers ruraux - juin 2024

Who will be buying vineyards in France in 2023? ? 

It is very interesting to analyse vineyard sales in terms of the quality of buyers. In 2023, the buyers of vines will be :

  • Farmers: 43.7% by number of sales, 35% by surface area and 15.6% by value
  • Farming companies: 13% in number of sales, 16% in surface area and 55% in value
  • Land holding companies (GFV, etc.): 9.6% by number of sales, 12.5% by surface area and 6.8% by value
  • Non-farming individuals: 25.5% in number of sales, 13.8% in surface area and 9.5% in value
  • Non-farming companies: 6.5% by number of sales, 8.8% by surface area and 12.6% by value
  • State or local authorities: 1.6% by number of sales, 1.3% by surface area and 0.5% by value

While farming companies account for only 13% of the number of sales, they represent 55% of the value of vines transferred.

The use of companies to hold land has been on the increase for many years. It is primarily a response to entrepreneurial objectives: separation of land assets from business and private assets, the need to raise outside capital, partnerships between winegrowers, preparation for transfer within or outside the family, etc. 

Vineyard prices by vineyard

You'll also find specific articles for each vineyard showing the trend in vineyard prices since 1991, as well as the trend in vineyard prices for each appellation over the last 3 years.

Alsace – Est 

The price of AOP vines rose by a healthy 4.1% to €117,900/ha. The increase was particularly strong in the Haut-Rhin (+6% to €138,000), while it remained stable in the Bas-Rhin (€90,700/ha).

The market is buoyant in terms of volume, with a 12% increase in the number of transactions and a 1.5% rise in the surface area sold.


After a 3% fall in 2022, the Bordeaux-Aquitaine wine market will see a 2nd year of price correction, with average vineyard prices down 3% on 2021, to €109,100/ha in 2023.

This is the result of the current crisis in the Bordeaux wine industry, which is particularly affecting mainstream appellations. Prestigious appellations, on the other hand, remain more stable.

This fall in prices is also reflected in the number of transactions (-21%) and the surface areas traded (-24%).

Bourgogne – Beaujolais – Savoie – Jura 

The average selling price of vines will continue to rise in 2023 (+8% to €238,500/ha), following an already steep rise in 2022 (+9.4% to €220,900/ha).

The increase is being driven in particular by the Côte d'Or appellations, especially the Premiers Crus Blancs (+13%).

In terms of volume, the number of transactions fell sharply (-14%), as did the area sold (-11%).


Vineyard prices in Champagne are back on the rise (+2.3% to €1,090,000).

The market is experiencing a real turnaround in terms of volume: -18% in the number of transactions and -9% in the surface area sold.


The price of Eaux-de-vie PDO vines has fallen sharply to €56,700/ha, compared with €60,600/ha in 2022. Prices are stable in Charente, but down sharply in Charente-Maritime (-11%).

On the other hand, the number of transactions and the surface area sold are down sharply (-6.3% and -13.3% respectively). 


The price of PDO vines is stable in Corsica at €22,200/ha, as is the price of non-DPO vines at €18,000/ha.

The market is seeing a strong rebound in terms of the number of transactions (+60%) and surface area (+15%), but remains fairly small (20 transactions in 2023).

The sale price of vines in the Languedoc Roussillon vineyards will fall in 2023 for PDO vines (-3.1% to 12,600€/ha) and for non-PDO vines (-2.6% to 15,200€.ha).

The number of transactions is down by 4%, with the surface area sold also down by 6%.


The price of PDO vines is down (-4% to €13,400/ha), as is that of non-DPO vines (-0.5% to €12,700/ha).

The trend is also negative in terms of the number of transactions (-7%) and surface area sold (-28%).

Val de Loire – Centre 

In a sluggish market, the price of vines in the Loire Valley continues to rise, with an average price of €39,900/ha for PDO vines and €6,900/ha for non-PDO vines (+0.8%).

The volume of transactions is down sharply: -3% in terms of the number of sales, and -11% in terms of the area sold.

Vallée du Rhône – Provence 

The average price of vines rose by 1.3% (€52,500/ha) for PDO vines and by 0.9% (€17,000/ha) for non PDO vines.

However, the market is not very buoyant, with a sharp fall in the number of sales (-18%) and areas of vines sold (-19%).

En conclusion,

In a sluggish market (-8% in the number of sales and -13% in the area sold), the vineyard market has seen an increase in the average price. However, there are wide disparities, with two markets in particular experiencing sharp falls (Bordeaux and Cognac).

Our articles on vine prices in France

We present comprehensive statistics on vineyard prices in France. We analyse land prices at the time of publication of the official SAFER figures and the publication of the ‘Barème indicatif de la valeur vénale moyenne des terres agricoles’ by the Ministry of Agriculture:

The following articles give you more detailed prices for each vineyard and appellation:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help interpreting these data.