Rented agricultural land for sale

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Vignette - Land - Dpt Manche (50), à vendre LA HAYE DU PUITS terrain

Dpt Manche (50), à vendre LA HAYE DU PUITS terrain

25 500 €
3.7 ha
Le Plessis-Lastelle, 3ha74 de terre labourable. Pour investisseur uniquement. Les honoraires d'agence sont à la charge de l'acquéreur, soit 6,25% TTC du prix hors honoraires. Les i...


7 100 000 €
920 ha
En Exclusivité, pour Investisseur. Département du Cher avec extension sur l'Indre et la Nièvre.Un ensemble de 10 fermes louées pour une surface de 920 ha....


1 750 000 €
193 ha
En Exclusivité, propriété agricole dans l'Indre (36), secteur Boischaud Nord, pour investisseur. D'une surface de 193 ha avec bâtiments d'habitation et d'exploitation....


176 000 €
14.4 ha
Parcelle de terre de très bon potentiel. 2 baux en cours. Un congé a été délivré à un des preneurs, pour une surface de 08 hectares 80 ares 57 centiares ( Partie de la YD n°1). L...
Vignette - Land - Agricultural land

Agricultural land

141 150 €
17.5 ha
Terrain en nature de prairie, en vallée, présence d'une mare, bordé en partie par la Risle, pour un total de 17 hectares 50 ares 29 centiares vendu loué suivant bail agricole en co...
Vignette - Agricultural - Agricultural land rented in the North of Mayenne (53)

Agricultural land rented in the North of Mayenne (53)

222 600 €
35.6105 ha
FOR SALE - Rented agricultural land. Surface area of ​​35.61 ha mainly in plowing nature (29.5 ha approx.) with meadows (5 ha approx.) and a small copse (1.1 ha approx.). The whol...
Vignette - Land - 10 ha of natural meadow - Berdhuis 61340

10 ha of natural meadow - Berdhuis 61340

50 000 €
10 ha
10 ha of natural meadow - Berdhuis 61340 - current lease for 7 years...
Vignette - Agricultural - Terres agricoles pour investisseurs (27)

Terres agricoles pour investisseurs (27)

960 000 €
91 ha
Dans le Vexin Normand, 91.45 ha de terres agricoles en nature de labour....
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Buying leased land is an attractive investment for investors looking for recurring income.

With an average yield of between 3% and 5%, it is an attractive way of diversifying your assets for savvy investors. This profitability can also be accompanied by good prospects for capital gains. Here we reveal the facets of this often little-known investment, and how can be your ally in this process.

The advantages of investing in land

Yield and performance

Farm rent, the agricultural rent paid by the farmer to the lessor, is governed by rules set out in the Rural Code for each département. It varies each year according to a national farm rent index. It is generally between €160 and €230 per year.

The average price of rented farmland in France is €5,060 per hectare, according to SAFER (Société d'Aménagement Foncier et d'Etablissement Rural) statistics. This represents an average discount of 18% compared with the sale price of freehold land, giving a gross rental yield of between 3 and 4.5%.

Capital gains potential

The price of rented land has risen from €4,060 per hectare in 2012 to €5,060 in 2022, an increase of 24.6% (cumulative inflation over the same period is only 10%).

This potential increase in value means that it is much more attractive to save for land.

Will the price of rented land continue to rise in France? It is difficult to answer this question.

However, land prices in France are among the lowest in Europe. This is the result of agricultural regulations, in particular the SAFER's right of pre-emption and the Contrôle des Structures. Logically, this price differential should narrow over time.

Support for agriculture should continue and lead to a lasting improvement in farm incomes. This should also help to sustain farmland prices.

Finally, even though various laws have been passed to limit the artificialization of land, 125,000 hectares of farmland will be converted to urban land between 2021 and 2031. This will inevitably have an upward effect on the price of vacant and rented land.

Stability and safety

Farmland cannot be stolen and, unlike other property investments, is not easily damaged. What's more, over very long periods, the price of land is disconnected from the financial markets, which helps to secure the value of your assets.

Asset diversification

Farm acquisitions are an effective way of diversifying an investment portfolio, diluting the risks associated with sector concentration.

Contribution to Sustainable Development

By opting to buy rural land, you are promoting the growth of French agriculture. You can also include environmental clauses in a rural lease, promoting environmentally-friendly farming practices and stimulating the local economy.

The different types of rural rental

The basic system for leasing agricultural property is the status of rural leases. Rural leases have a minimum term of 9 years, with an automatic right of renewal for the farmer. The amount of the rent is regulated, and the owner has very limited options for terminating the lease or renewing it.

It is also possible to opt for longer leases and benefit from tax advantages.

The tax benefits of property investment

 If you lease your farmland under a long-term lease (for more than 18 years), you may be entitled to an allowance on the value of your land as part of an inheritance, a gift or for property wealth tax purposes.

For inheritance tax, since the Finance Act for 2023, this allowance is 75% up to €300,000 and 50% above this threshold. The owner then undertakes to retain ownership of the property for 5 years. The 75% allowance can be increased to €500,000 if ownership is retained for 10 years.

The allowance for property wealth tax is 75% of the value of the leased property up to €101,897 and 50% above that threshold.

SAFER's right of pre-emption

SAFER has a right of pre-emption over all agricultural property sales. Once the notary has been notified of the proposed sale, SAFER has 2 months in which to exercise its right. If it does, it will take the buyer's place and then sell the property to a buyer it considers to have priority.

Your tenant's administrative obligations

In addition, the leasing of land requires an authorisation to farm under the Control of Structures, granted to the farmer by the competent authorities.


As well as offering portfolio diversification, investing in agricultural land can be a highly profitable investment. You can also use environmental clauses to support the agro-ecological transition in French agriculture. Depending on the type of tenancy, the tax system can also help you to pass on your assets and reduce your property wealth tax liability.

A well-orchestrated initiative, is a potential partner in your quest for property.

Buy a Land property - Occupied farmland