FEVE provides an innovative financing solution through a land portage scheme that can also be applied to farm buildings.
The purchase price of farms is often too high for many project leaders. This leads to the enlargement of farms to the detriment of installation. At a time when 50% of farmers will be retiring in the next few years.
FEVE for "Fermes En ViE" has set itself the task of helping project leaders to set up medium-sized farms with a view to agro-ecological and food transition.
This is an ambitious goal, but one that is accompanied by very comprehensive services. FEVE intervenes on several levels:
FEVE helps finance the agricultural project by financing the purchase of the land. It appeals to individual investors (from €2,000) wishing to give a social, ecological and solidarity-based dimension to their savings. A land company owned by these investors buys the land and rents it to the project holders under a rural lease with environmental clauses.
Investors benefit from a tax reduction on the amount of their investment.
Originally created for collective projects, FEVE also supports individual projects, but always with an agro-ecological approach.
FEVE most often intervenes at the request of project leaders who have found a farm but need help to finance the project. It is also aware of farms that are looking for buyers and can therefore direct candidates towards these farms in the framework of collective or individual projects.
Where most players limit themselves to financing the land, FEVE finances both the land and the farm buildings, which is very innovative and facilitates the overall financing of the project.
This real estate portage therefore allows the farmer to concentrate on launching and consolidating his production tool.
And to meet the demand of many project leaders, it is possible, from the 7th year, to buy back the land and buildings.
FEVE is a project created by four people, two of whom are agricultural engineers (Marc Batty and Simon Bestel), a business school graduate (Astrid Tarteret) and a polytechnic engineer (Vincent Kraus). They have very good CVs and a strong agro-ecological vision that they wanted to put together to create Fermes En ViE, a company with a Social and Solidarity Economy mission.