
What steps need to be taken to obtain a home loan?

Published at May 1, 2024 by Bernard Charlotin
What steps need to be taken to obtain a home loan?

Obtaining a mortgage to buy a rural property requires a thorough understanding of the special features of this type of finance. Here are all the steps to help you through the process, with a focus on the specific features of rural property and borrower's insurance.

1. Assessing your borrowing capacity
2. Putting together your file
3. Compare offers
4. Loan insurance
5. Obtaining an agreement in principle
6. Signing the preliminary sales agreement
7. Finalising the loan
8. Closing the sale
9. In conclusion

Assessing your borrowing capacity

Before you start looking for your rural property, you need to assess your borrowing capacity. This assessment is based on :

  • Your monthly income
  • Your fixed costs (rent, outstanding loans, etc.)
  • Your personal contribution
  • The desired term of the loan

For business loans (agricultural, wine-growing, etc.), you should of course take into account the projected profitability of your project when assessing your financing capacity.

Putting together your file

Prepare a strong dossier containing

  • Identity document
  • Proof of income (last 3 payslips, last 2 tax returns)
  • Bank statements for the last 3 months
  • Proof of savings and assets
  • Compromise of sale or quotation for a building project
  • A complete and well-presented application will increase your chances of obtaining a rapid agreement.

The list of documents you need to provide for your business application may be much longer, and should include at least a business plan.

Compare offers

Don't just go to your usual bank. Compare offers from several banks. Take into account

  • The interest rate
  • Application fees
  • The cost of borrower's insurance
  • Early repayment terms
  • The term of the loan

When it comes to business financing, it's advisable to turn to credit institutions that are used to financing this type of project and will have a better understanding of the specifics of your project.

Loan insurance

Loan insurance is generally required by lenders to cover various risks, such as :

  • Death
  • Total and irreversible loss of autonomy (PTIA)
  • Temporary total disability (ITT)
  • Permanent total or partial disability (IPT/IPP)
  • Loss of employment (optional)

These coverages vary, and it's crucial to compare them in order to find the best offer for your needs, such as with the Metlife insurance company.

It's in the policyholder's interest to get the best cover, with the fewest exclusions and additional premiums.

Note that under the Lagarde Act, you are free to choose your loan insurance as long as the cover is equivalent to that offered by the bank.

The Loi Lemoine of 2022 also introduced a procedure to make it easier to cancel loan insurance policies.

Obtaining an agreement in principle

Once you have identified the most attractive offer, submit your application to the chosen bank. The bank will examine your application and may give you an agreement in principle. This agreement secures your property project.

Signing the preliminary sales agreement

Once you've found the property that's right for you, sign the preliminary sales agreement (compromis de vente), including a suspensive clause linked to obtaining the loan. This clause is compulsory if your finance package includes a house, but optional if it does not. It protects you in the event of refusal.

Finalising the loan

The bank will send you an official loan offer detailing all the conditions. You have a legal cooling-off period of 10 days in which to accept this offer.

Closing the sale

Once you have accepted the offer, sign the deed of sale at the notary's office. The funds will be released by the bank and you will become the owner of the property. Repayment of the loan will begin the following month.

In conclusion

Obtaining a mortgage for a rural property may seem complex, but with method and rigour, you can maximise your chances of success. Don't hesitate to enlist the help of professionals to help you navigate these specific steps.

Good luck with your project!