
What is the ideal number of rooms for a bed and breakfast business?

Published at August 29, 2024 by Amandine Disdero
What is the ideal number of rooms for a bed and breakfast business?

When you're thinking of starting a business as a bed and breakfast the question of how many rooms to offer is crucial to the success and profitability of your project. This article explores the different aspects to consider when determining the ideal number of rooms for a bed and breakfast business.

1. Understanding the regulatory framework
     1.1. Legal definition of a bed and breakfast
     1.2. Legal limits on the number of bedrooms
2. Factors influencing the choice of number of bedrooms
     2.1. Financial targets and profitability
     2.2. Personal management skills
     2.3. Available space and configuration of your property
     2.4. Customer experience and personalised service
3. Possible configurations and their advantages
     3.1. Small structure (1-2 bedrooms)
     3.2. Medium-sized structure (3-4 bedrooms)
     3.3. Maximum structure (5 bedrooms)
4. Additional considerations
     4.1. Seasonality and occupancy rates
     4.2. Scalability of your project
     4.3. Quality vs Quantity
5. Summary of key points
6. Conclusion

Understanding the regulatory framework

Legal definition of a bed and breakfast

Before determining the ideal number of rooms, it is essential to understand what French law defines as a chambre d'hôtes. According to the regulations, a chambre d'hôtes is a furnished room in the home of an inhabitant, offered for rent by the night, together with services.

Legal limits on the number of bedrooms

French legislation imposes clear limits on the number of rooms that an establishment can offer under the name "bed and breakfast" :

  • Maximum of 5 bedrooms per dwelling
  • Capacity limited to 15 people simultaneously

It is crucial to respect these limits, as exceeding them would take you outside the legal framework for B&Bs and subject you to different, potentially more restrictive, regulations.

Factors influencing the choice of number of bedrooms

Financial targets and profitability

The number of rooms you decide to open will have a direct impact on your income potential. The more rooms you have, the more guests you can welcome, but this also means additional costs and responsibilities.

Personal management skills

Running a bed and breakfast requires time and energy. Each additional room increases the workload in terms of cleaning, maintenance and welcoming guests. It is essential to make an honest assessment of your ability to manage several rooms while maintaining a high level of service.

Available space and configuration of your property

The size and layout of your property play a crucial role in determining the number of rooms you can offer. Each room must meet certain standards:salle de bain

  • Minimum surface area of 9 m² (excluding sanitary facilities)
  • Ceiling height of at least 2.20 m
  • Access to a bathroom and toilet

Customer experience and personalised service

Fewer rooms can mean a more personalised and intimate experience for your guests. This can be a major advantage when it comes to standing out in a competitive market.

Possible configurations and their advantages

Small structure (1-2 bedrooms)

Benefits :

  • Easy to manage, ideal for beginners
  • Highly personalised reception
  • Limited initial investment


  • Limited revenue potential
  • Little flexibility in the event of cancellation

Medium-sized structure (3-4 bedrooms)

Benefits :

  • Good balance between income and workload
  • Possibility of hosting small groups
  • Maintaining an intimate atmosphere

Disadvantages :

  • Requires further organisation
  • May require occasional management assistance

Maximum structure (5 bedrooms)

Advantages :

  • Maximised revenue potentialGrande maison
  • Optimum capacity for groups
  • Potentially higher profitability


  • Heavy workload
  • Risk of losing the family and intimate atmosphere
  • May require staff to be hired

Additional considerations

Seasonality and occupancy rates

The ideal number of rooms may vary depending on the seasonality of your region. In very tourist, Having as many rooms as possible can be advantageous during the high season, but can be difficult to manage in the low season.

Scalability of your project

Starting with a small number of rooms can be a prudent strategy, allowing you to assess demand and your management capacity before considering expansion.

Quality vs Quantity

It is often preferable to focus on the quality of the welcome and service rather than trying to maximise the number of rooms. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend your establishment.

Summary of key points

Legal framework: Maximum 5 rooms and 15 people

Management: Assess your ability to manage the number of rooms you have chosen

Space: Make sure each room meets legal standards

Customer experience: Fewer rooms can lead to a more personalised experience

Profitability : Balance the number of bedrooms with your financial objectives

Flexibility: consider the possibility of gradually increasing the number of rooms


The ideal number of rooms for your bed and breakfast business depends on many personal, financial and practical factors. There is no single answer, but rather a balance to be struck between your objectives, your capabilities and legal constraints. By taking all these factors into account, you will be able to determine the configuration that suits you best and that will enable you to succeed in the rewarding adventure of running a bed and breakfast business.

Find out more :

1. How profitable is a bed and breakfast?
2. Formalities for opening guest rooms
3. How do you set up a guest house?
4. What budget do you need to open a bed and breakfast?
5. Taxation of bed and breakfast establishments
6. What status should guest rooms have?
7. What licence is required for a chambre d'hôte?
8. What services are available for chambres d'hôtes?
9. How do I choose a bed and breakfast platform?
10. Bed and breakfast labels
11. Operating guest rooms as a company
12. Furnishing and decorating a guest room
13. Classification of guest rooms
14. Is it profitable to offer table d'hôte as well as chambres d'hôtes?
15. How do you communicate effectively for a bed and breakfast?