
The advantages of a large plot for your gîte

Published at August 21, 2024 by Amandine Disdero
The advantages of a large plot for your gîte

Opening a bed and breakfast year-round living is an exciting adventure for many rural homeowners. This step is a unique project that attracts those who want to invest in an interesting property project. It's important to choose the right site, understand the local context, and know the rules to succeed. But is it really an advantage to have a large plot of land for a gîte rental business? This article explores the many benefits that a large outdoor space can bring to your tourist accommodation, and how you can optimise the use of your land to meet the needs of your customers. You may need to take into account the opinion of the local council to ensure that your project complies with local regulations, leave a well-defined property and purchase specific equipment to ensure the comfort of your guests. You should also check local regulations on opening a gîte.

1. The appeal of a large plot for holidaymakers
     1.1. A place of freedom and relaxation
     1.2. A variety of activities for all ages
2. Opportunities for the gîte owner
     2.1. Diversification of services
     2.2. Possible future extension
3. The ecological and sustainable aspect
     3.1. Promoting green tourism
     3.2. Self-sufficiency and short distribution channels
4. The challenges ahead
     4.1. Care and maintenance
     4.2. Space management
5. Summary of the advantages of a large plot of land for a gîte
6. Conclusion

The appeal of a large plot for holidaymakers

A place of freedom and relaxation

A large plot of land offers holidaymakers an incomparable sense of space and freedom. Guests can take full advantage of nature, relax in lush green surroundings and get away from the stresses of everyday life. This warm, spacious environment becomes a real haven of peace, particularly appreciated by those in search of the great outdoors. The quality of the welcome offered by a traditional gîte with a large plot of land can be enhanced by the possibility of having a well-appointed garden or outdoor space. To ensure a pleasant stay, it is essential to provide optimum comfort for your guests, to welcome them in well-appointed rooms, and to offer them a star rating if possible.

A variety of activities for all ages

With a large plot of land, the possibilities for activities are multiplied. You can create play areas for children, a petanque area, a table tennis table or even a mini-golf course.Boules de pétanque These types of facilities allow families to make the most of their holiday without having to leave the gîte. Offering these facilities is one way of meeting your guests' needs and enhancing their experience. Proper management of these facilities is essential to ensure their smooth running and the satisfaction of your guests. These facilities should be factored into the overall design and maintenance costs. The wood and materials used must be chosen with care to ensure the longevity of the equipment.

Opportunities for the gîte owner

Diversification of services

A large plot of land allows you to diversify your offer and increase the appeal of your B&B. For example, you can :

  • Installing a swimming pool or spa
  • Creating an educational vegetable garden
  • Offering pitches for motorhomes
  • Organising outdoor events

cThese additional services can justify a higher price and attract a wider customer base.  You could also consider offering stays in unusual accommodation, such as tree houses or tiny houses, increasing the income generated by your gîte.Cabane dans les arbres Creating these unique spaces can also be an asset for your project and help you stand out in the market. The profitability of your business can be improved thanks to these layout options. Think about reserving certain locations for special events to benefit from greater flexibility. New technologies and pricing options can also be incorporated to maximise your income.

Possible future extension

Having a large plot of land gives you the flexibility to expand your gîte business in the future. You could consider building additional accommodation, such as caravans or bubbles, to increase your capacity and diversify your offering. This possibility of extension is a major asset for the development of your furnished gîte project and can help to improve profitability in the long term. Make sure you assess the cost of the work and plan accordingly. This will avoid unexpected costs and maximise the positive effect on your future income.

The ecological and sustainable aspect

Promoting green tourism

A vast outdoor space allows you to promote an ecological approach to your business. You can create preserved natural areas, install beehives or plant an orchard. These initiatives will appeal to a clientele that is increasingly sensitive to environmental issues and will promote a sustainable tourism approach. In France, where eco-tourism is booming, this can also enable you to comply with recognised ecological standards. You can also use sustainable building materials for your facilities. This will help integrate your project into its environment and demonstrate your company's commitment to the environment.

Self-sufficiency and short distribution channels

With a large plot of land, you can aim for self-sufficiency. Grow your own fruit and vegetables, install solar panels or a wind turbine, or collect rainwater.Fruits et légumes These sustainable practices will reduce your operating costs and make your B&B more attractive to eco-conscious guests. This approach can also attract visitors looking for a home that offers eco-friendly and personalised options. Effective management of green equipment is essential to the success of this approach. The costs associated with these installations can be amortised over the long term.

The challenges ahead

Care and maintenance

A large plot naturally means more maintenance. Lawn mowing, hedge trimming, driveway maintenance... These tasks can represent a significant investment of time and money. It's important to assess the extra workload before you start renting out your gîte. You may need to call in a specialist company for certain jobs or to ensure that your outdoor areas are properly maintained. You can also consider options to lighten the maintenance load, such as automatic equipment. Good planning will help you avoid unexpected costs.

Space management

Optimising the use of a large plot of land requires careful thought. You need to think about the layout of the different areas, how guests will move around and how to preserve areas of privacy. Good planning is essential to make the most of your outdoor space and offer maximum comfort to your guests. The choice of layout is crucial to ensuring a pleasant, personalised experience for your guests. You should also ensure that you comply with local rules and regulations regarding planning and the function of your gite. This may include specific requirements for classification and label for tourist establishments.

Summary of the advantages of a large plot of land for a gîte

Before concluding, here is a summary of the main benefits:

  • Space for holidaymakers to be free and relax
  • Possibility of offering a variety of activities
  • Diversification of the services on offer
  • Potential for future expansion of the business
  • Promotion of green, sustainable tourism
  • Opportunities for self-sufficiency and short distribution channels
  • Differentiating marketing asset


There are many advantages to having a large plot of land for a gîte business. It allows you to stand out in a competitive market, offer a unique experience to your guests and develop a sustainable, environmentally-friendly business. Although maintenance can be a challenge, the benefits in terms of attractiveness and development potential make a large plot of land a real asset for your gîte. So if you're lucky enough to have a large outdoor space, don't hesitate to use it to make your gîte a destination of choice! Choosing the right site is key to the success of your project. Take advantage of advice from local experts and social networks to promote your gîte, as a solid online presence and a good name can increase your chances of success and growth. Make sure you also respect the legal and tax status of your business to avoid any administrative or financial problems. Bookings and customer reception should be carefully managed to ensure a quality experience.

Find out more :

1. How do I sell a gîte?
2. Where to buy a gîte
3. How much does a night in a gîte cost?
4. How profitable is a gîte?
5. Buying a gîte or creating a gîte: which should you choose?
6. What are the formalities for opening a gîte?
7. The different types of gîtes
8. Taxation of gîtes
9. Gîte labels: a guarantee of quality for your rural accommodation
10. Gîte classification
11. Running a gîte as a business
12. How to communicate effectively for a gîte 
13. How to choose the best platform for your gîte
14. What criteria should I take into account when buying a gîte?
15. Furnishing and decorating a gîte
16. What is the ideal number of bedrooms for a gîte?
17. What are the essential features of a self-catering cottage?
18. Should a swimming pool be installed for a gîte?
19. What price should I pay for a gîte?