
Operating guest rooms as a company

Published at August 28, 2024 by Amandine Disdero
Operating guest rooms as a company

Create and manage bed and breakfast can be an exciting and profitable venture. However, a thorough understanding of the legal, tax and organisational aspects is crucial to success. This article will guide you through the essential steps involved in running a bed and breakfast business.

1. Choosing your legal status
     1.1. Why is a legal status necessary?
     1.2. The different possible statuses
2. Administrative procedures
     2.1. Declaration and registration
     2.2. Social security affiliation
3. Standards and regulations
     3.1. Health and safety standards
     3.2. Capacity
     3.3. Licences and authorisations
4. Profitability and management
     4.1. Estimating profitability
     4.2. Marketing strategy
     4.3. Daily management
5. Summary
6. Conclusion

Choosing your legal status

Why is a legal status necessary?

To exploit bed and breakfast to set up a company. This formality is free and can be completed online. The choice of statut is a crucial step, as it will determine your tax, social security and administrative obligations.

The different possible statuses

  • Sole proprietorship (EI): Simple to set up and manage, but the business owner's personal assets are not protected.
  • Sole proprietorship with limited liability (EURL): Offers protection for personal assets and simplified management.
  • Limited liability company (SARL): Ideal for projects involving several partners.
  • Simplified joint stock company (SAS): Offers great flexibility in management and distribution of powers.

Administrative procedures

Declaration and registration

Before starting your business,dossiers you must declare your bed and breakfast at the town hall and register with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) and, if necessary, with the Répertoire des Métiers (RM).

Social security affiliation

If your annual income exceeds €23,000, you must register with the Social Security system for the self-employed. This is compulsory in order to benefit from social security cover.

Standards and regulations

Health and safety standards

Each room must have a minimum surface area of 9 m², a ceiling height of at least 2.20 m, and access to a shower room and WC. You must also comply with health, safety and hygiene standards.


You may not let more than five rooms or accommodate more than 15 people at any one time. If you exceed these limits, your business will be considered a hotel, subject to stricter regulations.

Licences and authorisations

If you offer alcoholic beverages, you will need to obtain a restaurant or public house licence. You should also make sure that your activity is authorised by the co-ownership regulations if you live in a co-ownership.

Profitability and management

Estimating profitability

The profitability The profitability of a bed and breakfast depends on a number of factors: the number of rooms, the occupancy rate, the rates charged and the charges. It is advisable to diversify your services (breakfast, dinner, tourist activities) to boost your income.

Marketing strategy

To attract customers, it is essential to put in place an effective marketing strategy. réseaux sociauxCreate an online booking site, have a presence on social networks and join quality labels to improve your visibility.

Daily management

Running a bed and breakfast involves a large number of daily tasks: welcoming guests, cleaning, preparing meals, managing bookings, and so on. It's important to be well-organised and to have back-up arrangements in place in case of absence.


  • Choose the right legal status (EI, EURL, SARL, SAS).
  • Register your business.
  • Comply with health, safety and capacity standards.
  • Obtain the necessary licences to sell alcoholic beverages.
  • Implement an effective marketing strategy.
  • Manage day-to-day reception and maintenance tasks.


Running a bed and breakfast business is an ambitious project that requires careful preparation and rigorous management. By choosing the right legal status, complying with current standards and implementing an effective marketing strategy, you will maximise your chances of success. Don't forget that the welcome and satisfaction of your customers are the keys to the success of your business.

Find out more :

1. How profitable is a bed and breakfast?
2. Formalities for opening guest rooms
3. How do you set up a guest house?
4. What budget do you need to open a bed and breakfast?
5. Taxation of bed and breakfast establishments
6. What status should guest rooms have?
7. What licence is required for a chambre d'hôte?
8. What services are available for chambres d'hôtes?
9. How do I choose a bed and breakfast platform?
10. Bed and breakfast labels
11. Furnishing and decorating a guest room
12. Classification of guest rooms
13. What is the ideal number of rooms for a bed and breakfast business?
14. Is it profitable to offer table d'hôte as well as chambres d'hôtes?
15. How do you communicate effectively for a bed and breakfast?