
How do you set up a guest house?

Published at August 22, 2024 by Amandine Disdero
How do you set up a guest house?

Embarking on the adventure of a guest house can be a rewarding and lucrative experience. Whether you want to change your life or simply generate extra income, this project requires careful preparation and a good dose of passion. Here's a detailed guide to help you get started.

1. Market research
2. Choice of location
3. Preparing your guest house
     3.1. Design and decoration
     3.2. Regulations and administrative procedures
4. Financing your project
     4.1. Estimated budget
     4.2. Possible financing
5. Promoting your guest house
     5.1. Communication strategy
     5.2. Building customer loyalty
6. Summary of key stages
7. Conclusion

Market research

Before you launch your business, it's vital to carry out a market study. This will enable you to understand the demand in your region and identify your future competitors. Analyse local tourist demand, map out existing accommodation (farms, B&Bs, hotels, inns, residences) and assess the rates charged and services offered. It is essential to clearly define the concept of your guest house based on local tourism and the clientele you want to attract. This will enable you to determine the price of your overnight stays in line with the demand from renters and the services offered. Make sure your guest house is well located, as a strategic location can attract more visitors.

Choice of location

Your choice of location is crucial to the success of your bed and breakfast. Choose a quiet location, close to nature, but also accessible and close to local tourist attractions.Roue d'un parc attractions A strategic location will make it easier to attract people and maximise the profitability of your business. Make sure that the premises you choose are suitable for your business and meet current standards, particularly in terms of safety and accessibility. If you're planning to welcome people with disabilities, think about adapting your infrastructure to meet their needs. You should also consider the initial investment required for renovation or refurbishment work.

Preparing your guest house

Design and decoration

The layout and decoration of your establishment must be carefully thought out to offer your guests a memorable experience. Opt for warm, welcoming decor, invest in quality bedding and make sure every room has an en suite bathroom. You should also consider modern, comprehensive facilities such as free Wi-Fi and a high-performance Internet connection. Offering a home-cooked breakfast or table d'hôte meal can also be an asset. Comfort and cleanliness are essential, so make sure your linen is always spotless.canapé d'un salon Don't forget that working in this field requires special attention to detail.

Regulations and administrative procedures

To open a guest house, you need to comply with a number of key regulations. You will need to register your business with the local council, comply with safety and accessibility standards, and take out appropriate insurance. It's also important to be aware of the legal obligations associated with the business of letting furnished accommodation, particularly as regards declaring your accommodation, property tax and social security contributions. You should also make sure you choose the right legal status (auto-entrepreneur, micro-entreprise, etc.) to make it easier to manage your business. Membership of a professional network or a recognised label can also be beneficial for the credibility of your guest house.

Financing your project

Estimated budget

Drawing up a complete budget estimate is a crucial step. It should include the cost of buying or renovating the property, the cost of fitting out and decorating, as well as running costs (water, electricity, maintenance) and marketing expenses. Don't neglect the initial investment required for the purchase of your property or for renovation work. A well-developed financial plan, including projected revenue per night, will help you assess the profitability of your project. It's also a good idea to set up management charts to monitor your sales.

Possible financing

There are several financing options available to you, including personal contributions, bank loans and local or regional grants or subsidies. You could also consider taking out a fixed or variable rate loan, depending on market conditions and your business plan. Membership of a recognised label can also open up financing opportunities. Remember to analyse the financial tables in detail and assess the impact of your project on the long-term financial side.

Promoting your guest house

Communication strategy

Communication is essential and an opportunity to attract your first customers to your bed and breakfast. Create an attractive, SEO-optimised website, use social networks to promote your furnished accommodation business and register with online booking platforms.Ordinateur avec téléphone, bloc notes et café Good communication will help you stand out from your competitors and reach a wider audience. Planning promotional offers or partnerships with local tourism operators can also boost your visibility. In France, there are a number of specialised platforms for effectively promoting your guest house.

Building customer loyalty

Building customer loyalty is just as important as acquiring new ones. Providing a warm, personalised welcome, offering additional services (breakfast, guided tours, meals) and encouraging family reviews and recommendations will help you create a loyal customer base. Welcoming your guests with quality service and offering a unique experience will encourage them to return and recommend your guest house to their friends and family. Hiring competent staff can also improve the quality of your service.

Summary of key stages

  • Market research: Analyse demand and the competition.
  • Choice of location: Choose a quiet, accessible location.
  • Fittings and decoration: Invest in quality and comfort.
  • Regulations: Comply with standards and register your business.
  • Budgeting: Draw up a detailed budget.
  • Financing: Explore financing options.
  • Communication: Create a website and use social networks.
  • Customer loyalty: Offer a personalised service and ask for feedback.


Starting up a guest house is an exciting project that requires careful preparation. By following these steps, you will maximise your chances of success and offer your future guests an unforgettable experience. Don't forget that the key to success lies in the quality of the welcome and attention to detail. The owner of a guest house also needs to know how to deal with administrative and legal issues, particularly with regard to declaring the business, setting up the structure, and the various formalities that need to be completed to ensure that the accommodation complies with current regulations. Good management of the premises and careful monitoring of the quality of services are essential to ensure the long-term future of your guest house.

Find out more :

1. How profitable is a bed and breakfast?
2. Formalities for opening guest rooms
3. What budget do you need to open a bed and breakfast?
4. Taxation of bed and breakfast establishments
5. What status should guest rooms have?
6. What licence is required for a chambre d'hôte?
7. What services are available for chambres d'hôtes?
8. How do I choose a bed and breakfast platform?
9. Bed and breakfast labels
10. Operating guest rooms as a company
11. Furnishing and decorating a guest room
12. Classification of guest rooms
13. What is the ideal number of rooms for a bed and breakfast business?
14. Is it profitable to offer table d'hôte as well as chambres d'hôtes?
15. How do you communicate effectively for a bed and breakfast?