Sale Agricultural and leisure land in Moselle (57)

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Vignette - Land - Dpt Ardennes (08), à vendre VANDY terrain

Dpt Ardennes (08), à vendre VANDY terrain

10 000 €
0.1 ha
Votre agent commercial en immobilier Stéphan Henriet (Capifrance) vous propose, ce magnifique terrain d’agrément ou verger se trouvant à flan de colline sur la vallée de l’Aisne. I...
Vignette - Land - Investing in Champagne, historic areas - family adventure

Investing in Champagne, historic areas - family adventure

50 000 €
0.0999 ha
As part of a capital increase following the purchase of a plot of vines in the historic Champagne sector of the Côte des Blancs. 2 lots for sale of €50,000 Our wine land group (GF...
Vignette - Vineyard - Riceys Champagne and rosé vine sale

Riceys Champagne and rosé vine sale

250 000 €
0.25 ha
Very beautiful plot of Pinot Noir, eligible for the Champagne, Rosé des Riceys and Coteaux Champenois appellations. As rare as it is exceptional, this Riceys vine is sold under ren...


189 720 €
0.279 ha
Plot of vines rented to a Harvester-Handler, transferred by its Bare Owner with the reservation of a usufructuary of 82 years. Beautiful exhibition with a recent plantation and in ...
Vignette - Vineyard - Vine 1er Cru AVENAY VAL D’OR

Vine 1er Cru AVENAY VAL D’OR

1 040 000 €
0.8 ha
Superb 80 ares vineyard in excellent condition, half planted with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, operated by lease by a grower handling HVE and sold by its owner to an investor agreein...
Vignette - Land - Your investment in Champagne

Your investment in Champagne

250 000 à 500 000 €
0.9 ha
From 10 ares to 3 ha. Become the owner of vineyards in Champagne, we have various confidential files that we will present to you after having exchanged with you. The fees of 6% ar...
Vignette - Vineyard - Champagne: Plots of 1st and Grands Crus vines up for grabs

Champagne: Plots of 1st and Grands Crus vines up for grabs

0 à 100 000 €
0.1 ha
10 acres Very beautiful plot of vines in highly sought-after vintages, to be seized for your wine investment. The current operator is passionate about viticulture. The fees of 6%...
Ma balise

Projet d'aide à l'installation ou au développement

100 000 €
5 ha
Vous êtes vigneron ou vous souhaitez vous installer ? Vous cherchez un mode de financement vertueux pour vous agrandir, financer un chais tout en trouvant de nouveaux circuits de d... offers you a selection of agricultural or leisure land plots in the Moselle (57), department of the Grand Est region. The purchase of agricultural land, farmland and land for cultivation in Moselle (57) attracts farmers who wish to expand or future farmers who are planning to set up. Buying agricultural land is also an opportunity for investors who wish to diversify their investment. The collection of farm rent (rural lease rent) and the tax advantages make it an interesting investment. Investing in agricultural land allows you to benefit from tax reductions on real estate wealth and gift and inheritance tax reductions if you rent the land under a long-term lease. The price of agricultural land in Moselle varies greatly depending on the area and the quality of the land: - In 2020, the average price of vacant farmland was : 5840 € - In 2020, the average price of rented agricultural land was 4290 € Source: FNSAFER - Ministry of Agriculture You can buy a leisure land that will allow you to enjoy nature and to receive your animals. also allows you to acquire shares in agricultural land groups in Moselle, wine-growing land groups, forest land groups and rural land groups. These are non-trading property companies (SCI) which allow you to pool your investments and delegate management to a third party.

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